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What He
Orig Key:C | New Key:

Title: What He's Done


Key: C


Verse 1

C                  Csus    C
See on the hill of Calva - ry
          G(4)     Am    F            C          F/C
My Savior bled for me my Jesus set me  free      
C                       Csus    C
Look at the wounds that give me life
              G(4)     Am      F             C
Grace flowing from His side no greater sacri - fice


          C         Am7       Gsus
What He's done      what He's done
        F/G                        C
All the glory and the honor to the Son
                  C/E                F2
My sins are for - given my future is Heaven
         C/G    G(4)
I praise God    
                   Csus    C   F/C C
(1.) For what He's done            
(2.) For what He's done (To Ch.)
                   Am7     F2
(3.) For what He's done     (To Tag)

Verse 2

C                    F2(no3) C
Sing for the freedom He has won
              G(4)     Am7      F2(no3)         C         F2
Even death is dead and done His life has over - come      
C                      F2(no3)  C
Speak say the Name a - bove all names
           G(4)    Am7         F2(no3)        C
Over every broken  place He is risen from the grave

Verse 3

C                  F2      C
Now on a throne of majes - ty
             G(4)       Am7      F2                C
The Father's will com - plete He reigns in victo - ry
C/E          F2           C/G
Sing halle - lujah to the King
             G(4)    Am7           F2             C
He is worthy to re - ceive all the worship we can  bring


         Gsus   G              Csus    C   Csus C
I praise God     for what He's done